Saturday, January 31, 2009

ha ha wow

Hey it's a baboon, yes one of the many photos i took while i was in Africa.
I can not begin to explain all that goes on around me on a daily basis. My prayer has just become Lord let me accomplish the things you want me to do for the day, not the urgent, not the unimportant, but exactly the things you want me to do. Is it to stop and listen, is it to go and do, is it to turn around and go back, is it to press on and accomplish.
There are always choice that you have to make every day, moment by moment, i just pray that the choice you make today are the ones that our God has led you to make. Nothing more, nothing less, but just in His will.
my 2009 has started off incredible, Our newest son is a month old now, I was ordained by my church with a special friend that led out in a challenge for me, a great friend who God has opened the door to me who led an awesome charge to our church, I had the opportunity to Go to Africa shortly after and see our water wells, and new sites to drill. Had the opportunity to come along our brothers in Africa and encourage them in their pastoring and strengthen them.
An now back home to a full plate... and Thank God for the full plate.. i love it.
so to all of you who continue to allow God to use you to bless others, thank you for the blessing you have passed on to me as well.
Thank You God, thank you to my Family, and thank you to my friends.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jan 28th, 2009 I Cannot Do It

I Cannot Do It
Wow, there are a lot of things you can notice about Joseph, but to me one of the most important things to grab a hold of is that so often we forget we cannot do it! But God can!
Verse 16 “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer He desires.”
He reminds me of another young man that you will read about later on: Daniel. He was also given the ability to interpret dreams. His approach was the same, not by his power but By God’s power, will you have the answers you seek.
I pray that today you will grasp that line of thought, not by your power, but by the power of God, it is by what you know, and what you can accomplish. Are you so humbled by that, that it is the first thing that comes from your mouth when you talk to people? “I cannot accomplish that, but my God can, and He will help you find out the answer to your difficulties if you will listen to His Word.”
They might not be the answers you will be looking for, but they will be His answers none the less. Continue to allow people to see that it is God working through you and His name will be glorified.