Monday, December 19, 2011

Rhythm, Rain, crazy train, and a blow out

Crazzy Trains this morning, I get back to that in a minute...
I felt great today.. I got more in a rhythm today I think.. 2nd day of my 14 mile route and at the half way point I wanted to go more.. I had to hold myself back... Although I Pushed a .8 out of it...(14.8) and I ha to remember I don't want to quit, I want to be consistent.. Even with two traffic stops for crossing roads or trafficked lights and taking off my glasses for the pouring rain this morning,, I still shaved 1 mints off the rout.. Pulled a 6 minute mile average speed 10mph.. I was excited to go further and shave a minute off my time..
Conditions This was the whole reason I moved to north and south.. The wind was strong this morning..: the Rain was coming Down, and it was awsome...
train man as I come in close to the last mile there is a train crossing.. Well the trains decided to through a Kim in my plan and I had to hit the river park area.. Roads at more narrow and this broke my Rhythm a litte which was the
Most annoying thing.. Oils field traffic is thick down here for sure..
blow out on my shoes of all places.. It's my oldes pair of shoes I had I my arsenal.. A good friend of mine gave them too me.. It was funny and it was in my after walk ride(which will turn into a run later I my training) I was walking and though I had stepped on a big drink bottle, it was kind of dark, could not Belive I missed it.. But ok... Ha ha come back around for my second lap and what did I see... The bottom of my shoe.... Ha ha ha ha had those shoes since 2004... Thanks Scott they were a great lasting gift...
last but not least, the spiritual aspect on the last of my second lap this morning I felt like the Holy Spirit really allowed me to focus on God and express gratitude towards him and praise him in a way I have not gotten to in a while.. It was verry refreshing and memorable time.
Don't quit, don't give up.. Keep moving forward.. It's about consistantcy in what you are doing, don't worry the more you practice the better you will get, and then the more you will be Able to do...
Merry Christmas....

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