Reposting some of my Sister-n-laws handy work... she is a great writer...
Thank Jenna for taking time to share..
Sharing My Jennarocity: Christmas in San Antonio: We drove down to San Antonio this past weekend to celebrate Christmas with Jason's family. It's always an adventure being down ther...
it probably will not be easy, some times you have to fight for something worth having!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Clear Physical Clutter may = Spiritual freedom
Don't want to totally Hi Jack an article I read today, but I did read one from a young lady who has associated peace and contentment with letting go. and in turn that has empowered her to embrace life in away that she has, spend more time with Friends, family, and be able to feel actually more free by being able to let go of clutter. Here is her Blog site below the picture.
There is some Biblical truth about what she has to say about being able to let go the past so that you can embrace the future. Some time we hold on to that old shirt, pair of pants, the sweat shirt, or piece of paper because we have associated a memory with that object, and we just don'w want to let go. I don't know about you but maybe it is really time to let some things go. No matter how much i think fix something, fit back into something, or hold on to the memory of something. Letting me go actually allows me to free up the spiritual clutter in our life maybe so we can come to a point of healing and moving forward. ........ i think it's time to start with my office maybe... ha ha Baby Steps. let me know how cleaning out some of your physical clutter has impacted you spiritually.
There is some Biblical truth about what she has to say about being able to let go the past so that you can embrace the future. Some time we hold on to that old shirt, pair of pants, the sweat shirt, or piece of paper because we have associated a memory with that object, and we just don'w want to let go. I don't know about you but maybe it is really time to let some things go. No matter how much i think fix something, fit back into something, or hold on to the memory of something. Letting me go actually allows me to free up the spiritual clutter in our life maybe so we can come to a point of healing and moving forward. ........ i think it's time to start with my office maybe... ha ha Baby Steps. let me know how cleaning out some of your physical clutter has impacted you spiritually.
Monday, September 9, 2013
It's soccer season. There is a ton of stuff that is going on. School has started for everyone. Everyone is blowing and going and the schedule is packed. Enjoy the time you spend with you frailly, even in the frantic times, enjoy it... I know you want to be frustrated, I know not everything worked out the way you wanted to, but hey yall are there, your together, and it will be ok.
I have had some friends going through some difficult times and one friend has gabbed a hold of God and just will not let go. This observation I have of them. Calm, sad (of course it's a terrible situation), content, waiting, patient, compliant, & repenttive. This persons demeanor is just incredible despite the terrible situation they are going through....
On the flip side, I have a friend who has decided God is not there, doesn't care, continues to make terrible choice that continues to tear the family more apart. Anger, rage, unrepenttive, mean sprinted, vengeful, and never satisfied at all.
Two people going through Hardship, two people with two different choice in their life.
I just want to encourage you, I don't know where you are in life or what is going. But I want to encourage you, turn towards our heavenly Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirt. Allow them to help you, the real anger should be turned towards the one who has attacked you; the fallen angles, their master Satan. That is where the real battle is, that is the one who loves to invoke misery, that is the one who loves to trip you up, blind you, bring you to anger and call for you to stew in, to blind you from love, from compassion, to make forgiveness something you despise in stead of run to. Fight back don't allow Satan to rule. Grasp for hope. Turn towards God and hold our for his help, his love, his forgiveness, His hope.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Even If you don't Believe "He still lives"
It is summer, and we live in the city, and we live in south Texas, and we try hard to budget our selves we can't go and do everything that everyone would like to do. We still have college bills and Hospital Bills. So my kids are stuck at home a lot, Legos and netflix have become there best friends except during the rare outings.. You just can't send kids our running around all day any more like you use to.. it's dangerous with some families having no limits on their kids, to the traffic of our city. a kid would just get squished if you let them run wild and free.

The Theme is "if you stop believing & or dreaming in or of them, then they die..." every cartoon you let you kids watch is a great way to teach about God's charter, who He is, what he can do, and what is real, and what is not. don't miss those opportunities in their life.
I shared this with my boys afterwards.
I shared this with my boys afterwards.
Even if you don't believe in God he will not die, Jesus is still very much real even if you choose to ignore him or try to forget him.. He knows you and he knows you by name, and you are his creation, and he will never forget you... He has wept over you, he has fought over you, he has shed his blood for you, ever last drop was to set you free so that you could connect with God... Not people.. But with God and God alone... And even if you choose to not believe in him, he has never stopped believing in you. He is who He says He is and He will never disapear even if you choose not to believe in him & or shun him, which I believe would be a reckless mistake.
Get to know God, fall Deeply and madly in love with His word, be moved by Him, cry out to Him till he answers you, and allow Him to speak to you heart and breath words of life into you where ever you are.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Did you notice that before David took on Goliath, that God gave David confidence through experience? He killed a lion & a bear of course God will help him over come Goliath...... I might have wanted to fight Goliath first, Because i have been close to large Lion and big bears when they were mad and wild. that is pretty intimidating even for a big guy like me.. ha ha . So what is God preparing you for, maybe you being prepared for something that God wants to give you the confidence to over come.. just remember that as you fight the battle of where you are right now.. This is not the end of the story.... Live!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
So if you are somewhat like me... you love moves that inspire you... leave you wanting more then where you are and what you do... So as corny as it maybe saw the new Les Miserables last night. Always like the old one... knew one was ok.. but the Song "Do You Hear the People Sing?" Just absolutely wants me to go out and start a revolution... ha ha ha..
here a youtube clip of it...
Just incredible... Makes me think of our Gift of Freedom from God, how I truly don't Grasp the gift he has given us in it, how I totally unaware of how powerful it, and how often i don't fight for others to at least grasp it as much as i can if not least push them for more...
May our God Start a revolution in you heart to day, May you be stirred to anger against Satan and the Fallen angles who wage war against in a way be can bearly comprehend.. Viva La Salvation!!!!!!!
May you experience the forgiveness & Grace from God in a way you never have before and may it stir you into a great passion in which you do Something about it!
here a youtube clip of it...
Just incredible... Makes me think of our Gift of Freedom from God, how I truly don't Grasp the gift he has given us in it, how I totally unaware of how powerful it, and how often i don't fight for others to at least grasp it as much as i can if not least push them for more...
May our God Start a revolution in you heart to day, May you be stirred to anger against Satan and the Fallen angles who wage war against in a way be can bearly comprehend.. Viva La Salvation!!!!!!!
May you experience the forgiveness & Grace from God in a way you never have before and may it stir you into a great passion in which you do Something about it!
Les Miserables,
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
action.. ha ha what's that
So random thoughts out of the sky blue...
some how make a difference.
Some how get up and just do it (yeah been telling my self that for 4 months now)
if you have the opportunity to vote... make time people! you might now always have that freedom
play jokes on friends that make them laugh
hold you kids till they squirm out of your arms
make sure you spouse see how big your smile is while you are with them
meditate on God's word as often as you can, don't wrestle with it, just do it and let it give you the hope you want it to.. it's really not that complicated, just take His word for it.
go a head and text you friends that you really not friends with. it might just help them make a turn for the better.
don't give up... don't give up.... don't give up.... don't give up... don't give up....
lay out in the sun, sit in the shade, stand in the Rain, listen for the thunder, look for the lighting, listen for the bird, feel the mud between your toes, fill the wind in your hair, hear the waves crash on to the shore... come on do something.....
don't give up.......... don't give up.... don't give up....
................. one
breath, sigh, heart beat, hug & kiss, holding of a hand, stoke of the hair, standing, talking...... looking way out there.........
the great red giant
Friday, May 10, 2013
fresh powder
I help with our men's group put on some things... i would have to say some of the fun things we do has to do with shooting stuff.. if you want to see some more information on this weekend's event...
we have some great things that have moved into this area long with the Oil.. one of those things are some guys that know their guns and they one everyone to know as much as they Do...
so here is a sample of our Men's CAMO hand gun event we will have tomorrow...
hope you are able to come out and enjoy the fun..
i am also wrangling Kadin the past two days, broke his are last week, and got a throat infection yesterday.. poor guy.. lots of high fever but.. got some med's he's getting some sleep, and on the road to healing...
if you reading this at random.. Know that Christ cares about where you are, what is going on in your life, and he wants to walk along side of you if you will let him. there is a comic i really love, that has some fun with the foot prints poem.. Jesus points to the guy ask him, "see the foot prints, that where i carried you', the guy ask, "whats that really long line in the sand" Jesus says, "oh that where i had to drag you" ha ha ha ha
He has had to drag me a lot i think, and maybe he is having to drag you.. ethier way... i Know God is eager to connect with you.. take some time and connect with Him...
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Disk Golf Addict
So I used to love Golf and I loved to walk.. I mean the golf cart Is fun when the turf is wet.. But I liked to keep an eye on my ball and head for it.. It was way off in the boonies, always... Ha ha so
When I was in my 20's and some of my students introduced me to Disk Golf, I thought "no way there's actually have their on frisbee a for this". I mean we played when I was a little kid, but it was a whamooo* frisbee and we would find a nice big tree, or flag pole, Side of a house, and maybe a car if none was looking.. Ha ha ha
Back on track.. When I found out there are 100's of course all over the US and they were free.... Awesome no more green fees, my Taxes have payed for this! Whoooo.. So I have played on an off through out my life.. Now I have Four boys.. Trying to have quality Time with 4 boys and not go broke , regular Golf was not the answer for that.. Disk Golf is!!!
I gave all my boys 3 disk this year for the price of one good around of Golf. A Putter, a fairway, and a Driver.. And we have been having fun.. So pumped that I was able to find a Great cheap practice basket on E-bay that's moveable ($79.00 even comes with the more disk) , and a great guy called Frisbeerancher who has disk at incredible cost...
My youngest is 4 then 6, then 8, then 10... We have a blast..
So you can look up to sites.. DG (disk Golf) & PDGA (pro disk golf Assocation) both of those sites will tell you where nearly all the parks are in the USA and even out side the states..
So if your looking for a way to Let go of some stress, spend some times with your kids that might invoke some laughter and some Oooo's an ahhhhhh's
Check out Disk Golf and let the fun times begin!!!
Shot of the night! Totally fun!
When I was in my 20's and some of my students introduced me to Disk Golf, I thought "no way there's actually have their on frisbee a for this". I mean we played when I was a little kid, but it was a whamooo* frisbee and we would find a nice big tree, or flag pole, Side of a house, and maybe a car if none was looking.. Ha ha ha
Back on track.. When I found out there are 100's of course all over the US and they were free.... Awesome no more green fees, my Taxes have payed for this! Whoooo.. So I have played on an off through out my life.. Now I have Four boys.. Trying to have quality Time with 4 boys and not go broke , regular Golf was not the answer for that.. Disk Golf is!!!
I gave all my boys 3 disk this year for the price of one good around of Golf. A Putter, a fairway, and a Driver.. And we have been having fun.. So pumped that I was able to find a Great cheap practice basket on E-bay that's moveable ($79.00 even comes with the more disk) , and a great guy called Frisbeerancher who has disk at incredible cost...
My youngest is 4 then 6, then 8, then 10... We have a blast..
So you can look up to sites.. DG (disk Golf) & PDGA (pro disk golf Assocation) both of those sites will tell you where nearly all the parks are in the USA and even out side the states..
So if your looking for a way to Let go of some stress, spend some times with your kids that might invoke some laughter and some Oooo's an ahhhhhh's
Check out Disk Golf and let the fun times begin!!!
Shot of the night! Totally fun!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Not just the Wagon but the map!
I didn't just fall off the wagon, but i feel off the map too.. ha ha..
how far off the Map did i go... it's been since June 16th since i have not done anything.. A year ago today I had lost 40 lbs and ran my first triathlon...
A lot can happen in a year. I gained back that plus some. a total of 70 extra lbs in a year.. I joked that I swallowed a super model... Yeah 321 now... I can't really believe it ether.
Don't even know what to say, except for some how I feel my body has given up on me, even though I am still in it.
I am the midst of a quest personally, looking for desire & discipline listing for God's voice for his inspiration and praying through.... Can't even put that into words it's the start of a thought that never finishes it seems..
I am not searching for a blanket answer, I want a specific to me answer, one that speaks to who i am, what I should do, What strength of His to I use, and how much of mine do I mix into...
Yes I know..... I'm on a fence.... Or in a whole....
Physically just diminished trying to find away to start a fire. We all come to the points in our life I know, this just happens to be mine at this point in time. An I know that God will speak, just pray I am listing and don't miss what he has to say when he does.. Like this blog... Started it months ago, and finally just came back to it today.. I know it will come just don't know when yet. But. A change is coming.
I know something has to change, awaken, catch on fire, or something... Maybe next year I will get to write about the 70 lbs I lost..
I also changed my blog title from "fatman to ironman" to just "the great red giant" ...
Will I ever do an ironman some day, had you asked last year, I wold have told you, "half way there bring it on" this year I don't even know what to say about it anymore.
Things are going well, Family is Good Job is Good, just my body is in revolt.. Ha ha
Have a great day guys. Thanks for your friendships. And hope to catch up with all of you soon.
how far off the Map did i go... it's been since June 16th since i have not done anything.. A year ago today I had lost 40 lbs and ran my first triathlon...
A lot can happen in a year. I gained back that plus some. a total of 70 extra lbs in a year.. I joked that I swallowed a super model... Yeah 321 now... I can't really believe it ether.
Don't even know what to say, except for some how I feel my body has given up on me, even though I am still in it.
I am the midst of a quest personally, looking for desire & discipline listing for God's voice for his inspiration and praying through.... Can't even put that into words it's the start of a thought that never finishes it seems..
I am not searching for a blanket answer, I want a specific to me answer, one that speaks to who i am, what I should do, What strength of His to I use, and how much of mine do I mix into...
Yes I know..... I'm on a fence.... Or in a whole....
Physically just diminished trying to find away to start a fire. We all come to the points in our life I know, this just happens to be mine at this point in time. An I know that God will speak, just pray I am listing and don't miss what he has to say when he does.. Like this blog... Started it months ago, and finally just came back to it today.. I know it will come just don't know when yet. But. A change is coming.
I know something has to change, awaken, catch on fire, or something... Maybe next year I will get to write about the 70 lbs I lost..
I also changed my blog title from "fatman to ironman" to just "the great red giant" ...
Will I ever do an ironman some day, had you asked last year, I wold have told you, "half way there bring it on" this year I don't even know what to say about it anymore.
Things are going well, Family is Good Job is Good, just my body is in revolt.. Ha ha
Have a great day guys. Thanks for your friendships. And hope to catch up with all of you soon.
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