Thursday, October 10, 2013

Clear Physical Clutter may = Spiritual freedom

Don't want to totally Hi Jack an article I read today, but I did read one from a young lady who has associated peace and contentment with letting go. and in turn that has empowered her to embrace life in away that she has, spend more time with Friends, family, and be able to feel actually more free by being able to let go of clutter. Here is her Blog site below the picture.
      There is some Biblical truth about what she has to say about being able to let go the past so that you can embrace the future. Some time we hold on to that old shirt, pair of pants, the sweat shirt,  or piece of paper because we have associated a memory with  that object, and we just don'w want to let go.  I don't know about you but maybe it is really time to let some things go. No matter how much i think fix something, fit back into something, or hold on to the memory of something.  Letting me go actually allows me to free up the spiritual clutter in our life maybe so we can come to a point of healing and moving forward.     ........ i think it's time to start with my office maybe... ha ha Baby Steps.   let me know how cleaning out some of your physical clutter has impacted you spiritually.

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