thankfully i have really good friends and a son who likes to just cry in the early morning hours help me out.. God does work in mysterious ways for sure... thankfully... i pray i have not let anyone down buy not doing anything... but hey.. it's a new day.. i broke in my day with 23 mile ride this morning... 1hr 40 min... that comes with a new record to on the old avalanche 3.0 GT mountain bike.. 14mph average time.. could not believe that happen after being off for a whole month... felt good... i forgot my energy at the house thought.. got to the turn around and realize I left my honey & Peanut-butter sitting in the staging room... man was i starving by the time i got home.. ha ha... then i had this crazy idea while i was out peddling and praying through things.. and that thought at random lead me to this post i found this morning online
Great post by someone else working out... i encourage you to take 10 min to read it.. really hit home for me.. Thanks God for helping me find that..
next is Thanks David.. one of our church members spotted me on the road this morning (i was wear my blue tooth head seat it's a double ear phone device by Plantronics) and called me, "hey you that crazy cycling guy on the road this morning..." as i remember a truck with horn blaring going by ha ha...., "why yes that is me David"...., "be careful don't get run over and keep it up"... it was great to hear. it's amazing the things that transpire when you push yourself. God seams to help take it to a next step you never could have taken it to.
hey hang in there... don't give up... and keep up the good work... even if you have been down for a month maybe even a year. getting up to do what you started to do.... it makes a difference, not only in your life but the lives of the people God allows you to impact around you... So let do it, lets get going again.. we can do this.. Get up, Get out, & Get going!!
See you on the road!
Awesome job!!! I hadn't thought of honey and PB as mid-race fuel, but I'm sure gonna try it now. Of course they have that flavor in gels, but I DESPISE gels.
Keep at it, my friend! That Ironman gets closer by the second!
yeah i had talked with an Ironman coach and she asked me what i was doing to prepare before i hit the roads in the mornings, i told her i was mixing honey and PB together. she said, "get job, that's exactly what i do". man if it's good enough for my coach who has ran 15 half ironmans & 8 full ironmans.... thought... whooooo i did something right.. ha ha ha... i take a small sandwich bag and put some in there and when i hit my turn around spot or an hour out.. all though my coach told me to be taking in 3-400 every 30 min. i am still not coordinated enough to try to eat and cycle at the same time... ha ha so i do it at hour marks.
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