Had to start off with what happen in Roswell from week 16 ALIENS.... ha ha ha haaa. I was really excited about the thought of breaking 1000 miles there, doing at least a 50 mile ride for the first time an........ the main purpose of going to Roswell was to help family move.... Lets just say I pretty much stick to my purpose the best I can when I can.. Week 16 saw one 22 mile day, and a good 4 days of unloading a semi truck & uhaul trailier.. even though i didn't track my work during this.. (although i thought about it just to see how far i walked by the end of everyday) i move little over a ton of boxes. good upper body work out!..
I had fun being with Family, and we Got to take a day to play some of my Favorite sport... Frisbeeeeeeeee Golfffffffff......
Yep Roswell has 2 courses. I only Got to play at one.. back to the work out right! Monday I got up early like normal and it was a crisp morning for sure... I went up 285 North, then took 70 West then I hit 380 West... if any one ever wants to Cycle in Roswell do it early in the morning and the route i just gave you is incredibly smooth road... it was nice. I do wish the roads here in my south Texas area were that smooth. I did not get to head west into the mountains on 380 like I wanted to... i barely got out of the city limits but hopefully the next time I go, I will be able to accomplish that bigger trek...
So all though the 1000 mile mark still eludes me, that is OK i will get there.. the important thing was to take time help family & be an asset to my loved ones.. That trumps any half crazed personal goals that I have for sure..
sooooo slow start to this week.. like so many of my friend here in Texas getting ready for races we had *******thankfuly****** bad thunderstorms blow through with some Tornado's and Hail... Hey if it rains here in Texas we need it.. so bring it on.. its another thing to sing praises about like being with family.. My agenda is so unimportant compared to the water our people need hear in Texas.. and Yes we do need rain that bad...
also i tell you what the last thing i really want to do is be caught in a Hail storm here in Texas also.. Nor do not have a stationary bike or want one... so today was my first day to get out again, yep i am a couple of days behind but oh well. it felt really good to get out.. i am going to try to start doing something new this next month and run during my lunch break. want to get used to running in the heat. since i bike early in the mornings and make an extra step to pushing my self a little bit more. i am getting ready for April 28 my first Race.. The Freshman Triathlon... whoooooo... i get nervously excited just thinking about it... I love to compete and I really enjoy the idea of Racing for a change.. I know i will be a challenge for a whale of a man like me, but i look forward to making new friends and pushing myself to go faster in all three areas then i have before....
and the only Aliens i saw in Roswell were on signs.. ha ha.. i meant to take a picture by one to post, but that didn't work out. you will just have to take my word at it.
Last but for sure not least the spiritual aspect of things. so many days i wake up and wonder, "what in the world am i doing not just in pushing my self to work out but also personally, emotional, & spiritually:" Thankfully Morning times are a great place to focus and pray. I want to encourage you to have your priorities in line as well. Mine is God, family, me & then other family & friends. i do the best i can to try to keep them that way but there are alot times when i get that order of things all messed up.
I wanted to take a moment and pray for those who are taking time to read through the blog.. with that being Said, have a great week, i will catch up with yall soon, now let me pray for you..
Father I lift up the person who is taking time just to catch up on a friendship right now, or maybe the person i have not even met yet.. I ask that you would speak to their heart, that you would come along side of them and speak to the difficult circumstance that they are dealing with, walking through, or even in the midst of. Give them wisdom and discernment in this area. Lead them to the right answer at the right time, and at the right place. Also Father i pray that as they take time to read you word that you speak life into them, give them a great hope in you, and fulfill that hope with your word, you life, and your great love that you have for them.. help them as they have tried to seek out your favor and hear your Voice Father. speak to them in such a way they can't help but know that it is you who is speaking to them... God help them as they press on towards their goals, their hopes, and their dreams. Father i pray that they are things that they have brought before you and you have placed them on their heart because you want to do something and reveal to them the great care & love that that you have for them. Father please do these things in the name of your Son Jesus.. Amen....
ok guys don't give up, don't quit, maybe rest some. Get back up, and keep pressing forward. you set a goal that you have prayed about, and as long as God is still allowing you to press forward then do so... just because the going gets hard it doesn't mean you should quit!!!!
Get up, get out, & get Going...
thanks for you friendship and support and most all you prayers.
it probably will not be easy, some times you have to fight for something worth having!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Ramping Up to 1000 miles
Come some time this next week I will be breaking 1000 total miles between swimming, cycling, & jogging. I still but can't help to think about it.. but now also I am drawing closer to entering my first race. The Freshman Triathlon
Tri-Sition Area It is April 28th. The link is https://www.formstack.com/forms/RedemptionRP-windcrestTri2012
Tri-Sition Area It is April 28th. The link is https://www.formstack.com/
200meter swim, 10 mile cycling, and 2 mile run... it's crazy just to think of it.... I am waiting on some information back before I register but as i do i will explain my though process, me registering, and posting that i have finally actually registered for my first race.. my heart is kind of racing as i think about it now..
But not as much as my heart races when i think about the things that God is doing in my life.. right now i have the things i do daily to help come along side of our people in prayer & support, our community of Law Enforcement officers God has opened the door for me to build a great friendships with, but also the possibly of Going to India in the Fall. Possible will be preaching in villages, doing open street preaching & baptisms, and visiting orphanages. In talking with my Pastor friend David it is very exciting to hear the work that God is doing in India. Even to the point he is calling men & women unto himself via dreams and vision without people having heard the word of God, heard and evangelist or even have been told by a Christian of who Jesus is.. God is calling them to come to follow him, and they are seeking out the church to follow Christ. It is an amazing story of the work God is doing.. and like Pastor David had shared with me, if God is doing these things around us, how much more should we be willing to join God where he is working in the hearts of people.. Amen...
there was a young man who kept having a dream that a man would come and tap on the shoulder to wake him up and as he was waking up he would hear the man say, "Come & Follow me" the young man continued to have these dream for days. until he could stand it no longer. He went to his dad who was in the midst of his Hindu prayers. Afraid that his dad might shun him and disown him, he dared to bother him in the midst of his Prayer time because of this persistent awakening vision he was having.. He said, "dad.. dad... i have had this man coming to me in my dreams, and it is like he is real.. he taps me on the should to wake me up, but as he does, i wake up and find that he is gone, but i hear him saying, "come & follow me".. dad i do not know what to do.. i do not know who this man is.. can you help me dad, who is this man?" He dad says, "son i know who this man is only because he has started to come to me, and ask me to follow him as well in my dreams to." "ohhh dad please, you know who he is, tell me.... tell me... tell me who is this man that comes to us." his dad answers, "son i think it is Jesus the Christ but i do not know him, we should go down to the open baptism down at the market close to the church and listen to what they have to say about him, maybe we can follow him from there." Those to men came down to where David's church does the open presentation of the gospel and listen to who Jesus was, and immediately, they said, "we want to invite him into our lives, follow him, and be baptized..." wow... then they took the time to share this story with Pastor David what had happen...
there was a young man who kept having a dream that a man would come and tap on the shoulder to wake him up and as he was waking up he would hear the man say, "Come & Follow me" the young man continued to have these dream for days. until he could stand it no longer. He went to his dad who was in the midst of his Hindu prayers. Afraid that his dad might shun him and disown him, he dared to bother him in the midst of his Prayer time because of this persistent awakening vision he was having.. He said, "dad.. dad... i have had this man coming to me in my dreams, and it is like he is real.. he taps me on the should to wake me up, but as he does, i wake up and find that he is gone, but i hear him saying, "come & follow me".. dad i do not know what to do.. i do not know who this man is.. can you help me dad, who is this man?" He dad says, "son i know who this man is only because he has started to come to me, and ask me to follow him as well in my dreams to." "ohhh dad please, you know who he is, tell me.... tell me... tell me who is this man that comes to us." his dad answers, "son i think it is Jesus the Christ but i do not know him, we should go down to the open baptism down at the market close to the church and listen to what they have to say about him, maybe we can follow him from there." Those to men came down to where David's church does the open presentation of the gospel and listen to who Jesus was, and immediately, they said, "we want to invite him into our lives, follow him, and be baptized..." wow... then they took the time to share this story with Pastor David what had happen...
that just gives me chills every time i have the chance to share that with someone.. to Hear our God at work. I continually pray along side of you, that our God will allow us to be continually apart of his work no matter where we are, no matter where he calls us to go, no matter what lot in life he gives us to have. prayerfully we will be like those men, "Lord we seek you out to answer your call to follow you, where do we go."
have a great night see you at the 1000 mile post... whooooooo!
have a great night see you at the 1000 mile post... whooooooo!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Week 15: 1000 Miles is coming!!!
Week 15: I Broke 900 miles today!
Today I broke over 900 miles combined work out between cycling, jogging, & swimming. I never thought of even setting that as a goal, much less accomplish something like that. It's pretty novice to those who are in sports, but for a newbie just breaking in... I am kind of excited about the thought of breaking 1000 some time this month.. looking forward to all that will come with it... still really have not lost anyway.. have toned up some... but just the energy i have times is refreshing.. but other times i am exhausted as well too.
Because this time has been such an energized time of prayer that I have been getting and and really just a lot trying to focus in on God, the New Heaven, & the New Jerusalem that is yet to come, which leads me to try to think about him even more.. The battle with my own sinful desires have increased even more so then ever.. just trying to fight in those thoughts, that way of life, takes a mental toll in itself.. keep up the reading & meditation of God's word... because if not, even in the midst of trying to do something Good. Evil can sneak up on you, and trust me it will, and it will lay a traps for you... The last thing that Satan and the fallen angels that are around us want to happen, is for us to succeed in what ever we try to put our hand to.
Sometimes you meet goals in life you didn't know you had, and When God bring those blessing along, cherish the gifts he has set out before you. because it's in reflection of the work he has done, that empowers you to accomplish the work you are doing.
the stats aren't much but there fun to look at.
I have been using www.mapmyfitnees.com to keep up with my workouts.. it's a cool tool to especially when it throws all these things together for you and you don't have to.
Lifetime Totals
Total Miles106.62
Total Hours108
Total CaloriesType | # | Maps | Distance | Duration | Calories |
Bike Ride | 56 | 50 | 794.68 mi | 73.87 h | 63,447 kCal |
Indoor Swim | 6 | 0 | 6.57 mi | 5.64 h | 3,722 kCal |
Run / Jog | 13 | 13 | 40.53 mi | 8.83 h | 6,492 kCal |
Sport / Other Activity | 1 | 0 | 0.0 mi | 2.9 h | 1,521 kCal |
Swim | 4 | 0 | 2.92 mi | 4.39 h | 2,789 kCal |
Walk | 28 | 22 | 56.65 mi | 10.99 h | 5,990 kCal |
Totals | 108 | 85 | 901.35 mi | 106.62 h | 83,961 kCal Burned |
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