Man energy comes and goes through out the days. My focus as of lately, and probably the next bible study/sermon i will try to write will be on diligence. I really think that to many leaders/pastors focus on the effect of diligence (prosperity) and neglect the key behind diligence (consistent work ethic). To many people would rather pray for the prayer of instant gratification (oooopss) I mean instant blessings. I mean then you don't have to do the work, you got God to do his part and your part. I perceive the bible speaks to us being diligent with what we have been given up to the point God can do the things that only God can do in our lives. now yes there are something that diligence just will not pay off for and only God can step through and provide especially the spiritual sides of things like healings, loneliness, demon possession, the traps of sin we have fallen into. Yes only God's grace can truly intervene when it comes to that. An to an extent maybe some of what we try to strive to achieve spiritually can help to impact those out comes, & even greatly sometimes.
Now when it comes to the physical world of monetarily items, things we want, grades in school, the new car, a house to live in, the extras that make it easier, for the most part those come through diligence if that is your focus in life. Then somewhat in what you pray for. For the most part though if you turn you heart towards the forgiveness you have received, and realize you potential in being a catalyst in sharing that forgiveness with others, or minister along side of or two other brothers & sisters in Christ or minister to those who are lost.
I truly believe when Jesus said,"you do not have because you do not ask, and you have not asked in the right heart of a matter if you have" you have to believe what he says. Take time to pray, be diligent, and ask God to move in the ways that only he can and even more as you are persistent to complete the task he has laid out before you.
just something to think about today.
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