Monday, January 6, 2014

Here it comes!

                  Something exciting and crushing at the same time when it comes to a new year.. We often think of the goals we never reached last year, and ponder, why set more for this year.    But we have to shoot for something. We can't just not do anything right?  Some of our goals will be something way to impossible for us to comprehend and that's fun to dream right?    Some of those goals are truly accomplished only by God intervening and they happen. What better way to experience him at work in out lives?  I think it's important to have some of those things woven into our hopes and our dreams.
                  Then there are goals that have to do with work... Can't really ignore those goals, you need them to make your work a better place for you and those who work along side of you...  Your work environments Impacts your life and you families life so much around you.. So don't be afraid to try to find some pride in the job that you do.  No matter how great it is, or how small it is in you mind.  Do the best you can to work unto the Lord. Because whether you like it or not, the job you have is a gift from God. Is it long term place, a short term place, that is between you and God, but none the less where you at right now is where he wants you.. When he wants you to move on to the next chapter of you life, which you could be preparing for right now, He will help lead you and guide you if you listen for his voice in His Word.  Don't be afraid to trust him where you are. Depend on God, reach out to him, call out his name until he answers you, fall deeply and madly in love with him to the point that people think you have went off the deep end for him. Because sometimes leaving is the easiest thing you could do, but staying where you are means you would have to force yourself to be peace to harder relationships that need for you to forgive or find forgiveness. Could mean you picking of the slack and doing a better job then you have been doing.  It could be going back to realize why you took the job and who depends on you to you your job.  Most Jobs impact the lives of others around you.  Have you become a blessing to those involved in your work?
             God had lead us on this wild adventure thought out our lives of following him. We have been in Texas, Washington state, and now down to the South Texas area.  God has gifted us with 4 fun crazy boys to love on, pray with, and influence to the best of our abilities.  It is not always easy, sometimes we have to push our selves out of our comfort zones to be able to do what's right in their life and ours.   I feel that is even more of a battle as they grow older... the Battle of comfort, the path of least resistance.   My focus, I believe for me this year, is to travel the path less traveled, to go against resistance and over come some of those things in my life and the life of my family.  To do that I have to go back, look at the failures of last year, the realistic-ness of some of those goals, and how they impact this year, do they need to stay the same, do I need to modify them, are there some I should let go, or are there some that aren't complete, what should it be for this year?   I don't know if i am for sure yet, but I do know that getting them out there is important...   Why I don't know... no promise on how or when they will be done, but starting with the fact that they need to be done is a great place to start in our lives even if some of the goals are from last year. That just means we will not give up!

not in specific order, nor is this all of them i am sure, but the start.

1. Memorize Phil 2:1-11.                                              

2. Attend to my health better, drop 100lbs if possible.

3. Having quality alone time with each of the boys.           

4. Soak up more Roman & world history of different countries.                                                                                        

5. Go back to India again and be a better help to friends there.    

6. Be a better friend.

7. Be inspirational.                                                      
8. Strengthen my heart knowledge of God's Word.

9. Become a stronger asset to my work community.                  

10. To be a stone that makes waves in a great way

11. Connect with Church Norris and ask if he would be willing to speak at and event.

12. To hear God speak to me, and actually obey Him for once instead of what I would do.

So there is a couple of things some are vague, some are specific, some are dreams.....
 Where are you at today, fight the urge that you have not to write anything down....  I am not taking a oath that i will accomplish all of these things this year, but I am saying, "I need to focus, I  need to accomplish  and these are goals worthy of effort."
        So what are some of yours this year....
Go ahead and dream, hope, and focus on the things that will help you, your family, your friends, and your work place.
Go ahead and dream, hope, and focus on the things that will help you, your family, your friends, and your work place.