Hey it was not a typical V-day for me, ha ha.. I spent it with 3 of my sons, if some of you don't know i have 4 sons now, but the youngest was too young to go with us. so it was Isom (5), Robert (almost 4), Kadin 2 1/2, and I at the San Antonio Live Stock & Rodeo Show. I had a great time with them.
It was great to hear them when i can, they have such soft voices and sometimes i can't hear what they are saying when they don't face me.. yeah.... yeahh... it's from working around jack hammers as a young man, backhoes, and maybe some loud concerts here and there.
Of course the toughest part about being a parent is telling your children no... man we went to the rodeo, and the one thing they wanted was swords that light up. i really had thought about it.. i was almost going to get them one but they were $15.00 and if you know me i am tight anyway, but man i was thinking i really wanted to save up and get them all a playground set in the back yard. yes i know that is way more then $50.00, more like 1000.00... but still if i didn't save the 50 i would never have the 1000.00 .
so i told them no but that was tough, i wanted to give them the presents they asked for, i really wanted to give all of them a sword to play with but i also knew, it would not last long at all. man i can not begin to tell you how many swords they have tore up and went through, they are 100% boys and nothing can last long, even medal pipes end up a little shorter by the time they are done with it.
so i knew.. i am going to save, but i knew i had a better gift in store for them, something that would last longer be more fun and provide years of fun for them. but i have to store up to give it to them, at the right time.
how many times are we fascinated by the cheap things in life and beg God for them, not realizing He has or is storing up the good things in life for us. we just have to wait on his timing. i recognize that when the boys ask me for something, it makes me think of what i want to give them... have you ever noticed that, when you kids ask you for something, you think of something ten times better, well ok maybe not for teenager or young adult, but for little kids, they usually don't want the most expensive thing, or the best quality things they see. But we think in those way for our kids.
if we, who perceive ourselves as faulty, evil, corrupt, only good from time to time, or just some twisted want to give our kids Good gifts, then how much more our heavenly Father want to do for us. Even before we ask.
The Rodeo was great, they all got in the Tahoe and was asleep within 10min before we got home. truly was a great v-day for the boys.. bulls, sheep, horses, fireworks, cokes, and rock candy suckers. Thanks for the tickets it's a great memory to have.
It was great to hear them when i can, they have such soft voices and sometimes i can't hear what they are saying when they don't face me.. yeah.... yeahh... it's from working around jack hammers as a young man, backhoes, and maybe some loud concerts here and there.
Of course the toughest part about being a parent is telling your children no... man we went to the rodeo, and the one thing they wanted was swords that light up. i really had thought about it.. i was almost going to get them one but they were $15.00 and if you know me i am tight anyway, but man i was thinking i really wanted to save up and get them all a playground set in the back yard. yes i know that is way more then $50.00, more like 1000.00... but still if i didn't save the 50 i would never have the 1000.00 .
so i told them no but that was tough, i wanted to give them the presents they asked for, i really wanted to give all of them a sword to play with but i also knew, it would not last long at all. man i can not begin to tell you how many swords they have tore up and went through, they are 100% boys and nothing can last long, even medal pipes end up a little shorter by the time they are done with it.
so i knew.. i am going to save, but i knew i had a better gift in store for them, something that would last longer be more fun and provide years of fun for them. but i have to store up to give it to them, at the right time.
how many times are we fascinated by the cheap things in life and beg God for them, not realizing He has or is storing up the good things in life for us. we just have to wait on his timing. i recognize that when the boys ask me for something, it makes me think of what i want to give them... have you ever noticed that, when you kids ask you for something, you think of something ten times better, well ok maybe not for teenager or young adult, but for little kids, they usually don't want the most expensive thing, or the best quality things they see. But we think in those way for our kids.
if we, who perceive ourselves as faulty, evil, corrupt, only good from time to time, or just some twisted want to give our kids Good gifts, then how much more our heavenly Father want to do for us. Even before we ask.
The Rodeo was great, they all got in the Tahoe and was asleep within 10min before we got home. truly was a great v-day for the boys.. bulls, sheep, horses, fireworks, cokes, and rock candy suckers. Thanks for the tickets it's a great memory to have.